Flexi Touch full-colour touch screen
With the Nordholm Flexitouch thermostats, floor heating of up to 16A or 3600W can be controlled. Here, thanks to the graphical user interface the beautiful 4.3 inches TrueTouch LED backlit display makes the operation of your electrical underfloor heating intuitive and easy.
FlexiTouch Location Choice
The FlexiTouch thermostat should ideally be in the room that you want to heat. Subject to the current electrical regulations for bathrooms and wet areas. For easy operation and accessibility the thermostat should be placed about 1.3 meters above the floor. 6 reasons why the FlexiTouch thermostat is the best choice: Learn More
Der Handtuchwärmer "Shift" sorgt für wohlige Wärme in attraktivem Design. Die elektrischen Heizstangen wärmen dabei nicht nur Ihre Handtücher, sondern sorgen durch zielgenaue Wärmeentfaltung für gemütlich warme Handtücher. Jeweils zwei Querrohre sind Dank einer Drehkonstruktion um 180 Grad schwenkbar. Mit Stufenlos regelbarem Leistungsregler. Learn More